Illustrated Sermons
John Albaugh

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Tracts ** new content **
Share the Hope of Jesus with others.

Title Text Context
The Fellowship of the Cup! Matthew 26:27-28 I Corinthians 11:23-34
The First Step In Obeying Christ's Great Commission! Matthew 4:19 Matthew 28:18-20
The First Step in Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:10-14 Gen 3:1-15, Matthew 4:1-11
The Garden Of God! Genesis 2:8 Matthew 13:1-23

Revival Messages
Sowing Seeds for a Revival
Title Text Context
Reaching Your Neighborhood with the Gospel! Isaiah 6:8 Acts 20:19-21 **New**
The Secret of Revival! **New**
The Unheeded Warning of Christ Matt 21:43 Luke 8:1-18
The Unstoppable Virtue of Christ John 7:38-39 Luke 8:41-56
The Unspeakable Glory of Christ Matt 11:28-30 Luke 9:51-52
The Unselfish Love of Christ Matt 16:24 Luke 22 - 24
The Unfailing Charity of Christ John 13:34-35 John 13:36-38; 18:1-27; 21:1-22

Blacklight and Chalk Talk Messages
Title Text Context
1 Front The Reward Of Faithful Praying Luke 18:1 John 1:44-51
1 Back Faith That Conquers Guile Psalm 119:97 Psalm 1
2 Front Faith That Endures Worldly Stress Heb 12:2 Heb 11:24-29
2 Back Seeing Him Who Is Invisible Heb 11:27 Heb 11:24-29
3 Front The Bitterness, The Blood, And The Bounty of God Psalm 119:165 Acts 16:1-40
3 Back Behold The Lamb Or Else Live Defeated I John 1:7 Luke 19:14
4 Front The ABC's of Salvation John 1:12 John 3:16
4 Back The ABC's of discipleship Matt 16:24 Matt 28:18-20
5 Front Need hope? Go to the potter's house Heb 6:17-20 Jer 18:1-12
5 Back Hope from the Master Potter Rom 15:3 John 2:1-11
6 Front How God reveals Himself to us I Sam 3:21 I Sam 3:1-21
6 Back No One Goes To Heaven Alone I John 1:7 Rev 1:5
Chalk Talk 1 - 4
Chalk Talk 5 - 7A
Chalk Talk B - C

Old Testament in Context
Title Text Context
The Way of an Eagle Scout! Proverbs 22:6 John 14:1-12 ** New **
Shining forth for Jesus Dan 12:3 Psalm 36:9
Follow thou Me Psalm 119:133 I Kings 17-19
The four R's of spirituality from the book of Ruth Heb 11:6 Ruth
Blessed are they that hear the Word of God Luke 11:28 Psalm 119:140
The Ark Of Safety Matt 11:28 Gen 6-8
Mission Possible...In Spite Of Facing The Impossible I Cor 15:57-58 I Sam 17
The Unfailing Love Of Christ Matt 24:12; Jer 31:3 II Sam 11-24; I Kings 1-2
A Sparkling Testimony Lights The Way Matt 5:16 II Kings 5:1-19
History and The Future at a Glance (Part 1) Rev 1:8 Gen - Rev
History and The Future at a Glance (Part 2) Rev 1:8 Gen - Rev

New Testament in Context
Title Text Context
What Are YOU Worth? Matt. 10:31-32 Luke15:1-32
Thy Word Is A Light Unto My Path Psalm 36:9 Ephesians 5:14-21
The Unrelenting Race For The Crown Prov 21:31 Rev 6:1-8 and Rev 19:11-21
The Heart Of The Christian Warrior Psalm 119:11 Matt 13:1-23; Eph 6:10-20; Luke 4:1-14
Perfecting The Saints Before Christ's Coming I Thess 3; Matt 5:43-48 John 21:15-17
Jesus Is Better Heb 1:4 Acts 18:1-18; Hebrews; I Corinthians
The Unimaginable Beauty Of Heaven John 17:24 John 14:1-6
The Power Of God Rom 1:16 Luke 23:32-43
The Centrality Of The Cross In The Life Of Jesus Phil 1:21 Luke 24:44-48
The Sovereignty Of God In Salvation Rom 10:13-15 John 3:1-21
The Unmovable Rock Of Christ Matt16:15-18 Matt 7:22-29
Are You Leading Or Following The Horses? Rom 10:14 Acts 8:26-40
The Mystery Of The Missing S's Rom 6:16-18 Luke 5:1-11
The Leading Of The Lord Acts 3:16 Acts 3
Unleashing The Power Of The Gospel Rom 1:16 Acts 2
Two Words That Will Change Your Life Mark 7:28 Mark 7:25-30; Matt 15:22-31
Who's Wearing The Crown? Rom 6:16 Matt 16,26; John 21; Acts 2
The Significance Of Sunday School John 15:8 Matt 28:18-20
Mission To Mars: Adoption I John 3:1 Acts 17: 16-34
The Word Of Faith Requires A Crown Rom 10:8-9 Acts 24:24-27
Entering The Heart Of God Acts 13:22; Matt 16:24 Luke 22-24
The Prodigal Gingerbread Boy Rom 6:16 Luke 15:11-32
Five Facts About God's Gift Of Everlasting Life Acts 16:31 John 3:16
The Watershed of Evangelism: Love Luke 7:47 Eph 4:30-32; Matt 18:21-35
Because of Calvary I John 4:19 John 3:16

Title Text Context
Have You Been Touched By An Angel? Heb 1:13-14 Matt 1:16-25, 2:1-23;Luke 2:1-21
The Crown of Christmas Exchanged for a Cross Phil 2:5-11 Matt 2, 27; Rev 19
Jesus, The Name of Praise Heb 13:15 Psalm 117
The Worth of a Shepherd is Rewarded I Pet 5:1-4 Luke 2:1-20
The First Ten Genertions: Our Christmas Revelation I Chron 1:1-4 John 3:16
A Valentine for God: Your Heart Pro 23:26 II Corinthians
The Meaning of the Christmas Tree John 3:16 Luke 2:8-14
The Stars of Heaven Tell the Christmas Story Num 24:17 Psalm 19:1-6

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